Docker Installation (KaliLinux:2021)

Follow these step-by-step commands to install docker in kali linux machine (also virtual machine)

##Why use Docker?

When you are working, you most likely won’t only be using the tools that are included with Kali Linux, but you are using a lot of different tools that you find on Github. The classic way of installing those tools was to git clone the repository and then using install scripts to locally install them in your /opt/ folder on Kali Linux. Recent trend that more and more Git Repositories are offering a pre-configured Docker file that you just need download and run, without the need of installing anything at all. (Except, of course, the only thing is that you need to install Docker on Kali Linux).


Configuring APT & Keys First, as always, update APT:

sudo apt update

Then we need to add the official Docker PGP key like so:

curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -

Next, we configure APT so we will be able to download, install and update Docker.

echo 'deb [arch=amd64] buster stable' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list

After adding Docker to APT, we need to update apt once more so we will be able to install Docker on Kali Linux:

sudo apt update

In case you have any old and/or outdated versions of Docker installed on your system, we make sure to get rid of them first:

sudo apt remove docker docker-engine

Once this is done, we are ready to install Docker on Kali Linux:

sudo apt install docker-ce -y

Finally, starting Docker:

sudo systemctl start docker

##Verifying the Installation

sudo docker run hello-world