Hello fellow bug hunters & security enthusiasts, this is 0xrj with my very first bug finding writeup which made €X00 within no time 😋.
Broken Access Control:
Access control enforces policy such that users cannot act outside of their intended permissions. Failures typically lead to unauthorized information disclosure, modification, or destruction of all data or performing a business function outside the user’s limits.
Into finding…
It happend when I was testing a public program (a social media application which almost provides all features as twitter). Intitially I started with understanding application, focusing on observing the limitations set to a general user and trying to bypass them.
At signup endpoint, It is observed that an user was limited to signup with a specific domain’s email address. The flow of signup page led to bypass the check. Here is how it works
- User give an allowed email domain address and signup to the application.
- An immediate confirmation mail sent to registered mail id.
- There is an option to update account’s mail address without verifying the account.
I was like does the check for allowed mail id’s implemented at updation page 🧐? umm… it’s not.
I’ve reported this as Broken Access Control vulnerability to the organization and landed a X00 euro bounty and closed the report with no fix 🥲.
Takeaways: It was always good to start analysing applications logics, flows, limitations as these require manual involvement and intelligence.
Do share if it seems to be useful.
See you again, Thankyou.